If our developments look like they came about naturally, it's because they were designed that way. Every thoughtfully planned winding community road, property plot, connecting path, or small pond help to keep each development true to our guiding mission - to Preserve the Ideal. Such a mission aims to bring out the best in every situation, giving newly developed land and restoration projects alike the feel that they belong and add value to the area.
How do we go about turning each opportunity into nationally recognized examples of creative development planning? Part art, part engineering, but all purpose, our hallmarks include:
- Thoughtful stewardship of the land - If we need to challenge zoning laws to enhance open space in our developments, we'll do it. Our developments make the best use of precious natural resources and preserve valuable natural features. While setting aside open space, allowing for proper land drainage, and other protective measures does not add to our bottom line, they make our developments a pleasure to live in.
- Attention to architectural detail - Our homes are intended to mix perfectly with the land and give developments a history and grounding. In many instances we are able to preserve all or portions of existing structures that further add a distinctive touch. How could we NOT use classic buildings with one-hundred-year-old 12"x12" Douglas Fir beams?
- Use of sustainable design principles - Incorporating Green principles like extensive common area gardening and landscaping and energy efficient home construction help to make our developments less resource taxing and more applicable for generations to come.
If you would like to learn more about specific developments, please use our contact form .